Here are a few...
1. What the hell is that on your face?
2. So, I'm thinking trucker chic... (I need a mullet)
3. You're sooo 70's porn right now... (again... I should have a mullet?)
4. LOL, lolololololololol... wait, LOL lololololololol... (that was it)
5. Dude... (again... that was it)
This one has to be my favorite... I thought I would piss myself, I was laughing so hard...
Client- You look like The Village People...
Syn- Which one?
Client- Uh... All of them...
Syn- LOL...
That was awesome, it made my day... not sure why I'm posting this... It just made me laugh... I'm enjoying the new facial hair... it started out as a full beard, then a "Hey, you should really take it to the limit"... Damn those cute baristi (plural, I looked it up) at my Starbucks...
Oh I guess I need to post the photo... your comments are most welcome... I want to see what you guys think... LOL

As Always... Be Kind To Yourselves... I'm Fine Thanks For Asking... Love From Atlanta