Note to self... Do Not, I repeat Do Not, over do a leg workout at the gym, ever again!
Monday night I tried doing a new leg workout, at the time it felt great... Tuesday morning, not so much (considering I'm second day) I knew I was in trouble... Wednesday morning, holy shit, I could barely walk, by barely I mean, I was walking like a hobbit... My right leg looked as if I was smuggling a watermelon in my jeans... Of course standing on my feet all day, well you know... Unfortunately, business has been so slow lately, I can't afford not to work... Anyway, the swelling is starting to go down, as of this morning, I have more mobility in the pissed off watermelon, I'm actually in a good mood, and all before coffee...
As Always, Be Kind To Yourselves... I'm Fine Thanks For Asking
Love from Atlanta...