Okay... I've been a little busy... but not too busy to blog... I suck... I know.
Christmas came and went... I had a nice time (short and sweet) with my family... New Year was low key... Just like I like it...
I don't normally make resolutions... I think we put way too much pressure on ourselves, to start and stick to something definitive in January, thats bullshit, and I wont do that to myself... Last year I decided to learn to swim and kick my fear of water, and the challenge was awesome...
This year the list of things I want to do, is a little longer...
1) Sometime this year, I want to learn to two-step (maybe line dancing)... although I couldn't do the Electric Slide back in the day...
2) I'm also interested in learning to Salsa... I think this year is about music and dancing...
Btw... I'm not gay enough to be Lord of the Dance... I'm just sayin'
3) I want to start Violin lessons... I've always wanted to learn to play... As a kid we were dirt poor and my Mom couldn't afford it... So I'm really excited... I really want to play the bridge in Dust In The Wind.. LOL
I leave in 2 weeks (and counting) on my vacation to Australia... My second time out of the country... I'm such a slackass, I still haven't booked my Hotels in Brisbane or Sydney... Last Minute Michael strikes again... I'm not even sure why... Who knows... I'm excited about the adventure, also a little nervous (I seriously do not want to cause an international incident)...
Just an update... More to come later (maybe) You know how I am...
As Always... Be Kind To Yourselves... I'm Fine Thanks For Asking... ;)