Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Village People?

So... I'm trying out some new facial hair... I've had quite a few interesting comments...
Here are a few...

1. What the hell is that on your face?

2. So, I'm thinking trucker chic... (I need a mullet)

3. You're sooo 70's porn right now... (again... I should have a mullet?)

4. LOL, lolololololololol... wait, LOL lololololololol... (that was it)

5. Dude... (again... that was it)

This one has to be my favorite... I thought I would piss myself, I was laughing so hard...

Client- You look like The Village People...
Syn- Which one?
Client- Uh... All of them...
Syn- LOL...

That was awesome, it made my day... not sure why I'm posting this... It just made me laugh... I'm enjoying the new facial hair... it started out as a full beard, then a "Hey, you should really take it to the limit"... Damn those cute baristi (plural, I looked it up) at my Starbucks...
Oh I guess I need to post the photo... your comments are most welcome... I want to see what you guys think... LOL

As Always... Be Kind To Yourselves... I'm Fine Thanks For Asking... Love From Atlanta


Dan said...

cute boy, weird beird

Major_Hutch said...

lol I just happen to be listening to IN the NAVY at the moment.
Eh it's interesting to say the least. It's like a handbar that wants to be a beard. I do think you need your blonde highlights back. Those were rad. Haha my current hairstyle would make you cringe!
It needs some TLC haha it needs a barbar or something.
luv ya

Donnie said...

WOOF! I love the facial hair, Synrgy. It suits you, IMHO. I'm doing the facial hair too...a van dyke.

Sue said...

Hot, hot, hot! Very 70's chic! Don't listen to young people, what do they know about style anyhow.

Anonymous said...

OMG - that was EXACLTLY my thought when I saw the beard too... That it was very Village People - ALL the Village people.


Franciscus van Munster said...

Never really been into facial hair so I'm the wrong person to ask. Or to answer, actually

Trunk Guy said...

I agree with Dan

publius100 said...

absolutely trucker chic.

Brettcajun said...

I think it looks GREAT! :) If I could only make straight lines, I would probably be more adventurous with mine too! :) WAY TO GO!

Miznotic_Assassin said...

Happy Birthday SYN!


Anonymous said...

I'm gonna have to go with trucker chic...

Dwight Supremacy said...

Maybe a little different than the norm, but I'm totally digging it!!!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Hey SYNRGY. Regardless, facial hair or not, you are a handsome guy. A ten for me. Thanks for your pics and short vids.


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publius100 said...

Did your truck take you somewhere? It's been year now.

MJ said...

Honey, you are HOT no matter what you do!

Love you!